• Business of the Year:

    The 2022 Business of the Year honors go to the local business that has made significant contributions to the community or has served Baker County in exceptional ways over a number of years. Candidates must maintain successful, best business practices, be domiciled in the Baker County area, provide support and participation in community events, and demonstrate innovation and job creation in their business.

    Service Organization of the Year:

    This annual Baker County award was established to honor selected groups or organizations for their dedication in serving and promoting Baker County through volunteer contributions to a project, program or ongoing activity that has impacted the quality of life in Baker County, provided leadership over a period of years, thereby contributing to the county’s character, and/or made a valuable contribution that has enhanced the quality of life for residents of Baker County.

    This may include exceptional outcomes in property rehabilitation, residential, recreational, or commercial area beautifications, preservation of clean, safe neighborhoods, or other environmental improvements within the county.

    Entrepreneur of the Year:

    Entrepreneurs are as much about their story as they are about their balance sheet.  Their stories will be rich in anecdotes of seized opportunity and overcoming challenging obstacles.  Most of all, this entrepreneur will be a beacon of inspiration to people regardless of industry.  They will have opened/founded a new business between January 1st, 2019, and December 1st, 2022.

  • Man/Woman of the Year:

    This annual Baker County award was established to honor individuals who have contributed significant time, energy and spirit in fields outside his or her professional life, without regard to personal gain. A person whose civic and community service goes beyond “normal” responsibilities, creating a lasting and beneficial impact for all residents. Actively participated in service, community, church or other organizations. Any job-related task or duty for which a nominee is paid a salary will not be considered. All nominees must be living, reside or have a business in Baker County and possess excellent personal character. Previous recipients in the last 10 years are not eligible

    Legacy Man/Woman of the Year:

    This award recognizes an individual who has a made extensive contributions to Baker County over the course of their lifetime. The successful nominee must have a minimum of 25 years of involvement in Baker County but does not have to be currently active in the community. The award may be made posthumously. The Legacy Award is open to all nominees from all aspects of the community. Nominations should clearly demonstrate four important qualities of the nominee for this award: leadership, professionalism, stewardship, and an overall impact on Baker County.

    Excellence in Agriculture:

    The Excellence in Agriculture Award was created to recognize a Baker County individual who has demonstrated outstanding leadership in the agricultural community. The award recipient has shown unwavering dedication to creating a better rural community, has a passion for agriculture and is committed to creating a stronger industry.


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